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Photo : Joshua Targownik http://www.targophoto.com
" Brightness of Flutes " arose from the common passion of six professors for their instrument and its possibilities...
In residence to Talence, university town which adjoins Bordeaux, him(it) ' registered in the long tradition Aquitaine, so prosperous already at the time of Aliénor. Dances Spaniards, ballets, operatic arias, tangos, symphonies, theme musics...
The Sextet " Brightness of Flutes " takes a malicious delight in seizing most right-hand pages of the music to color them with a new breath. Flutes in any winds, traversières in C, viola(alto), bass or piccolo conjugent and answer with sharpness(delicacy) and talent.
" Brightness of flutes " - The flute in all its brightness!!!
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